Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Once There Was A Snowman...

Starting back in January, we decided as a family to start our mornings with a little devotional. We first recite an Article of Faith (one a month, so we are memorizing it), then we say a scripture (again, one a month, so we are memorizing it), sing a song, then say a prayer. It's been a fabulous thing for our family!

The only thing that has not changed in the four months we've been doing morning devotional is our song. And guess who picks it? Yep. Little Man. And that song is "Once There Was a Snowman."

The song goes:

Once there was a snowman, snowman, snowman,
Once there was a snowman, tall, tall, tall.
In the sun he melted, melted, melted.
In the sun he melted, small, small, small.

Oh, and there are actions to stand up tall then slowly melt to the floor.

Well, in Little Man's Sunbeam class at church they added a second verse:

Once there was a seedling, seedling, seedling,
Once there was a seedling, small, small, small.
In the sun it grew, grew, grew.
In the sun it grew, tall, tall, tall.

So, once you are "melted" on the floor then you stay on the floor until you start growing taller again.

As much as I love singing this song every single morning, I was not seeing any gospel principles in this song. And I realize that not everything has to have a gospel bent to it, but this morning I finally found it!

When faced with trials--when the sun is beating down on us--if we are like the snowman then we won't have the capability to withstand the trial. We will fail. But if we are like the seed, when that sun is beating down on us, we will grow and grow and grow. There would be no limit to how large we could become. And the larger we become the deeper we are rooted to the ground.

I guess it's okay that we continue to sing this song. every. single. morning. :)


  1. Got to love 3 year olds!!! Cute. :)

  2. How fun it is to be around the little ones. Sarah's little Teagan has learned head and shoulders, knees and toes in nursery and goes around singing it to everyone and getting them to do the actions with her! It is hilarious! LOL
