Friday, April 19, 2013

If a Tampon is What Makes You Happy...

On Tuesday I was at Michael's picking up some supplies for Relief Society Night. Standing behind me was this cute mom with the most adorable little girl. She was probably 18 months old, or so, and was calmly sitting in her stroller, smiling her dimpled smile.

Me: "She is adorable!"

Cute Mom: "Thank you. I'm doing all I can to keep her happy! And today her choice of toy is the tampon."

I had no idea what she was talking about...until I glanced at Adorable Little Girl's clenched fist. Yep! There was a wrapped in plastic tampon in her hand--the type without an applicator.

I couldn't help but laugh!

Me: "Well...whatever makes you happy!"

So, if it's a tampon that makes you happy, then hold on to that tampon and enjoy the moment! :)

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