Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Exclamation Heard 'Round the Chapel

Everything was silent while the sacrament was being passed at church last Sunday. Our ward is really small and there are a total of about 10 kids that come regularly. But this Sunday all the families with children were either gone or not there yet, so any noise made by Little Man was heard throughout the chapel and everyone knew it was Little Man!

Well, Little Man was desperately trying to worm his way around my crossed legs so he could go out to the foyer to get water from the drinking fountain. I kept trying to tell him that if he just waited the water would be coming around soon. Telling a 3-year-old to "wait just a minute" is like asking him to wait a year in toddler time.

Somehow I corralled him long enough and distracted him from his escaping endeavors to make it until the blessed water came around. The Elder brought the tray of water to our pew. I took my little cup and drank it, then passed it on to my mom--Mimi--and Little Man. Little Man, upon seeing the tray of water, piped up loudly, "Oh! Water! Yummy!" and got half the water in his mouth and the other half down his sweater.

Yep! Everyone heard that one. I guess it was better than the time, a few weeks before, when he started meowing like a cat after taking the bread....don't ask! It's all from some videos Mimi showed him!

I feel so blessed to take the sacrament each week in church and to be able to renew my covenants with Heavenly Father in that sacred act. But I need to be relishing the joy that comes from the sacrament--I'll just quietly shout "Yummy!"on the inside.

Thank you, Little Man, for teaching me, yet again!

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